Monday, 17 February 2014


Grammatical Analysis is a system of grammatical account founded by Michael Halliday. In his account of grammatical account, Halliday has claimed that it is fundamentally functional. Halliday denotes to his functions of language as metafunctions. He suggests three overall functions including the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual metafunction.

Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday

              Ideational Metafunction
The ideational metafunction function as the interpreter of human daily experience. It can be also viewed as to make sense of "reality". Halliday splits the ideational metafunction into two parts, the logical and the experiential metafunctions. Logical metafunction denotes the grammatical possessions for structuring grammatical units into complexes, for example, by combining two or more clauses into a clause complex. The experiential function denotes to the grammatical resources tangled in interpreting the change of experience through the element of the clause

Interpersonal Metafunction

The interpersonal metafunction relates to a text's features of tenor or interactivity. For example, the areas such as speaker/writer persona, social distance, and relative social status which fall under interpersonal metafunction or tenor. For social distance and relative social, it is applicable only to spoken texts.

Textual Metafunction

The textual metafunction or mode is the interior association that includes textual interactivity and distance in communication. For instance, textual interactivity is observed with the orientation towards disfluencies in text such as pauses, hesitators and repetitions.

CLICK on the image above for further information from The Little Thinker site.  =)

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